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  • lionsbaybearsmart

Halloween is Over Put Your Pumpkins Away - November 1, 2022

Halloween is over and our Bear Smart Community would like to encourage you to put your pumpkins away. For our bears, who are having the last big forage before hibernation, pumpkins represent a tasty and nutritious snack! They are not alone in this knowledge, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, and rodents also like pumpkins.

We have been pleasantly surprised that the fall bear activity is rather quiet, although we have had a few bear sightings in the Village in the past week. Please help us to keep attractants out of sight, by bringing your pumpkins inside, and turn those Jack-o’-Lanterns into a tasty family meal or disposing of them in your green waste on Friday.


7:30am - 9:00am: Bayview Place-Upper Bayview, Mountain-Timbertop-Sunset, and all streets leading off these (central Lions Bay above the highway).

9:00am - 10:00am: Highview-Oceanview, Panorama, Kelvin Grove Way, and all streets leading off these.

10:00am - 1:00pm: All other neighbourhoods (lower Kelvin Grove, Brunswick, central Lions Bay below the highway, etc.).

Please put your waste out as close to 7:30am, 9:00am or 10:00am as possible.

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