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Additional trap set for little bear - December 7, 2022

Thanks to the many reports received we were able to see that the little cub had moved around the village a fair amount overnight. Early this afternoon staff in the office notified us that it had just passed by their window. We and works staff followed him until Critter Care arrived and we almost nabbed him. Sadly he got spooked at the last minute. However, a report just received (4-ish) confirms he is still in one of his favourite haunts around Isleview. An additional trap has now been set in the area and neighbours are monitoring both in the hope that he is enticed to shelter in one of them tonight.

It's thanks to the many reported sightings that we were able to act so promptly. Please keep the reports coming and please keep dogs indoors and leashed. Email if you see the little guy or text him.

Photo courtesy of Michele Langford


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